Update from the Command Center at the APP World Tour regarding the upcoming Red Bull Heavy Water event is that there is a swell out there, the first swell of the season, but as it stands right now, it does look shy of the minimum requirements for the event to run. However, as a precautionary step, the APP World Tour has issued a yellow light warning for a potential window on the Thursday 18th or Friday 19th October so that should the storm develop well, we would be able to confirm on Saturday morning Pacific Time.
However, it should be noted that this does look unlikely as it stands, so stay tuned for the next update schedule for Saturday at 12pm Pacific Standard time, at which point the event will either return to the standard holding pattern or go to green light status for running next week. Updates will be posted here on appworldtour.com and @appworldtour, as well as on red bull.com/heavywater